
Wander. Explore. Caffeinate.

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Wander. Explore. Caffeinate.

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Custom Designed Bags of Coffee Make the Perfect Corporate Gifts

  In the world of corporate gifts, standing out is key. You want to give something that’s not only memorable but also practical and appreciated. Enter the custom designed bag of coffee – a gift that’s as thoughtful as it is delightful. Let’s explore why this caffeinated token of appreciation is the ultimate choice for … Continued

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Coffee and Lower Risk for Chronic Disease

In today’s fast-paced world, coffee has become more than just a morning ritual; it’s a daily companion for millions, offering a kick of energy and a moment of solace. But beyond its ability to jolt us awake, emerging research suggests that our beloved brew might be doing even more for our health. An article by … Continued

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From Bean to Cup

The Journey of Coffee from Farm to Your Morning Mug with Coffee Hound Coffee Company – by Corrie Johnson At Coffee Hound Coffee Company we believe that every cup of coffee tells a story. From the moment the coffee beans are picked to the time they are roasted, ground and brewed, the journey of coffee … Continued

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Here is a great article from Lorena Romo on best at home coffee and tea home brewing methods.

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TIPS: Cleanliness is Critical for Coffee

There are so many ways to make coffee at home. Whether you use a pour-over, French press, Aeropress, single-serve brewers such as Keurig and Nespresso, home espresso machines, coffee pot brewers, or stovetop espresso makers. Of course, cold versions for cold brew coffee. I have many of the aforementioned at home. My go-to for my … Continued

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Tips: To Grind or Not to Grind, That is the Question

The number one question we get asked all the time is, “Do I buy already ground coffee or buy whole beans and grind the coffee before making it”? The answer is if you want to elevate the taste and experience of your morning cup of coffee, then grinding it just before making it will get … Continued

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TIPS: Take Out The Bitter

Have you have ever wondered why sometimes your favorite coffee tastes bitter one day and not the next? Coffee is sensitive to temperature. If you want a consistent smooth-tasting hot coffee, add hot water to your cup and dump out the hot water just before adding your fresh hot coffee. You can also rinse out … Continued

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Wander. Explore. Caffeinate.

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Wander. Explore. Caffeinate.

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